Dayton Parts Steering Catalog 2024
Drag Links Sorted by Industry Standard Length Industry Standard Length Part Number Make OE Set Number
Page Number
346-540 346-541 346-648 346-657 346-372 346-523 346-559 346-563 346-591 346-641 346-370 346-536 346-605 346-520 346-660 346-629 346-561 346-598 346-582 346-279 346-532 346-589 346-547 346-623 346-578 346-562 346-620 346-556 346-594 346-293 346-581 346-569 346-593 346-636 346-624 346-638 346-401 346-385 346-590 346-554 346-384 346-525 346-555 346-256 346-191 346-297 346-456 346-405 346-407 346-249 346-546 346-528 346-410 346-550 346-601 346-526 346-451 346-452 346-567 346-446 346-388 346-219 346-379 346-564 346-599 346-415 346-647 346-608 346-413 346-637 346-619 346-597 346-400
Mack Mack
DS1254 DS1313 DS1298 DS1181 DS1253 DS55195 DS5533 DS75407 DS75409 DS1179 DS7527 DS7565 DS1280 DS9025 DS5522 DS55241 DS7576 DS6288 DS1020 DS5588 DS75401 DS4632 DS4696 DS7563 DS1034 DS6286 DS5597 DS7562 DS75406 DS75641 DS1217 DS1215 DS75403 DS4687 DS1214 DS4698 DS4692 DS986 DS908 DS1028 DS1281 DS1265 DS1267 DS979 DS4628 DS4623 DS1270 DS4648 DS9420 DS4695 DS1447 DS1448 DS55897 DS1442 DS1220 DS949 DS1201 DS5551 DS7585 DS1371 DS4637 DS6226 DS55242
Non-Replaceable Service End; Straight Non-Replaceable Service End; Straight
167 168 201 204 152 162 170 175 183 199 151 167 187 161 203 195 174 186 181 150 165 183 170 193 179 174 192 173 184 150 180 176 184 197 193 198 155 153 183 172 153 163 172 149 148 151 161 156 156 148 169 164 157 171 187 163 160 160 176 160 154 148 152 175 186 158 201 188 158 197 192 185 155
International Freightliner
Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Different Each End One Replaceable End; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End One Replaceable End; Straight; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Different Each End One Replaceable End; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End One-Replaceable End; Straight; Ball Studs Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End One-Replaceable End; Straight; Ball Studs Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Two Bends; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Two Bends; Ball Stud Same Each End 7.67 Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End One Replaceable End; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End One-Replaceable End; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Two Bends; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Stud Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End One-Replaceable End; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Stud Different Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; One Bend; Ball Studs Same Each End Non-Replaceable Ends; Straight; Ball Stud Same Each End
12.90 13.18 14.50
Peterbilt Peterbilt Peterbilt Peterbilt Peterbilt Peterbilt Kenworth
15.38 15.43 15.55 16.20 16.24 16.28 16.39 16.40 16.42 16.50 16.64 16.65 16.71 16.72 16.74 16.88 16.96 17.00
3588242C93; L20VU8147A13
Freightliner Freightliner
14-17297-000; L24VU8388A12
Peterbilt Navistar
Drag Links
3588241C93; L20VU8146A13
Peterbilt Peterbilt
17.48 17.50
Navistar Peterbilt
17.68 17.70 17.87
Freightliner Freightliner
17.93 18.00
Navistar Navistar
Ford Ford
18.14 18.16 18.19 18.20 18.25 18.27 18.35 18.51 18.71 18.75 18.78 18.83 19.23 19.28 19.43 19.45 19.49 19.62 19.76 19.82 20.16 20.49 20.65
Freightliner Freightliner
Freightliner Freightliner Freightliner
Ford Ford
Ford Ford
Freightliner Freightliner
685-460-1105; L24VU8084A11
DS1369 DS4660
Freightliner Freightliner
685-460-0805; L20VU8006A11
DS7574 DS1216
Please review the Photo/Dimension section following these charts for additional part information.
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